Category Archive: Main Article

Data Visualisation, from the World Cup to Drugs in Arkansas

This summer I taught a graduate statistics course in data visualisation at the University of Arkansas. As a final project the students had to find a data set, think of questions you could… Continue reading

The TMC Logo

Collegiate typography parsed into a fractal, with the theme of lots of parts coming together to make the whole. That’s the corporate design spin on the new logo for the Twitter Math Camp,… Continue reading

Form follows functions

Functions are fun to play with. Just watch kids sitting around a graphing calculator. The more math you know the more fun you can have. Even better with the power of computers you… Continue reading

Numbers, letters and exponential growth

Mixing slightly arbitrary abstract systems can be fun. The two systems that nearly everyone has to deal with are our systems for sound (the alphabet) and for quantity and order (numbers). So taking… Continue reading

Five principles of the evil teaching guru

When you apply for a university job you include a “teaching philosophy”, depending on institution this can be ignored or taken seriously. I have a teaching philosophy. Though I am not sure I… Continue reading

Education Depression

Mathematics education is hard, in part because the skills it takes to understand mathematics and to teach mathematics are actually quite different. In addition, once grasped, many mathematical ideas switch in an instant… Continue reading

The 2×1 rectangle and Domes

Next week I am going to be at the Gathering for Gardner, an exciting meeting of mathematicians, magicians, puzzlers and others inspired by the life and work of Martin Gardner. This post is… Continue reading

Prime Phyllotaxis Spirals

The phyllotaxis spiral is one of the classical forms of mathematics, and there is a wonderland of resources available online both images and explanations. The basic idea is to put points round in… Continue reading

Word powers of ten

How do we understand the number of words on the internet? Its hard to even grasp how many there are, and the number is growing so rapidly. Trying to understand a similar problem,… Continue reading

Magnetic Klein Quartic

The Klein Quartic is a absolutely fascinating object and worthy of a post in its own right, or even a book. It is clear evidence of the explosion of imagination and creativity in… Continue reading


CAMel is a project to develop Rhino Grasshopper components for CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing). Hence the silly name. It is very much work in progress, but if you are brave enough, here is… Continue reading

The Academy: Axiom 1

The rule This post is not trying to do anything clever. It is making a statement that seems self-evident: There are three ways to gain understanding of the world: Personal experience Systems of… Continue reading