Tag Archive: writing

Mathematics out loud

  We are used to reading mathematics, we are also used to hearing it spoken in lectures. I can think of few examples of the natural way to combine these. Why do we… Continue reading

Word powers of ten

How do we understand the number of words on the internet? Its hard to even grasp how many there are, and the number is growing so rapidly. Trying to understand a similar problem,… Continue reading

In memorium: Foyle’s Mathematics room.

For years the mathematics books at Foyles bookshop in London had their own room. It was a strange place, to the uninitiated inexplicably yellow. It had its own quirks rules and legends. There… Continue reading

I find myself looking for a job…

I have a weird collection of skills. Mathematics, talking about mathematics, art, making… I am certainly missing opportunities, maybe because few know the skill set even exists! So its time to advertise myself.… Continue reading

Mathematical Scales

Thanks to the move to the US, my son has a new piano teacher. He is playing at an advanced level, beyond grade 8 (for the UK audience), with pieces by Bach, Mozart… Continue reading

How to write machines

If you compare computer skills to literacy are we teaching them just to read when they also need to write?

Future of the LMS

I have just posted on the Save the LMS blog. I will repeat it here. A little bit of back story. Towards the end of last year the leaderships of the London Mathematical… Continue reading


Why English social fears did not stop me joining twitter and starting to like it.

Unscheduled Post: Niches and responsibility

There has been a recent blog discussion on the topic of attribution.  As a piece of plankton (not even a small fish) in this world I only suffer from the occasional automatic link… Continue reading

The search for the truth can never stop.

This is a first obituary (of a sort) for these writings.  I do not think I would have predicted that this would be a playwright, not a mathematician.  This might seem a little… Continue reading

Working with constraints

There is a theory that one can have too much freedom, at least in art.  With constraints the imagination is forced to work harder, and might achieve an elegance and beauty unobtainable when… Continue reading