Tag Archive: blogging

Snowflake, Seashell, Star

Alex and I initially met thanks to this blog. He was fact checking for an article that included the Taylor-Socolar aperiodic tiling that I had written up. The general theme of the article… Continue reading

How to Play Like a Mathematician

This is a vague transcript from memory of a talk I gave at Twitter Math Camp 2014. It was a truly energising event, teacher organised peer professional development. Anyone interested in education, whether… Continue reading

I find myself looking for a job…

I have a weird collection of skills. Mathematics, talking about mathematics, art, making… I am certainly missing opportunities, maybe because few know the skill set even exists! So its time to advertise myself.… Continue reading

Carnival of Mathematics #65

Consider two numbers with no common factors, and take the sum of their squares : In many cases the result is a prime, twice a prime, a prime power, or twice a prime… Continue reading

Finding Ada: Alicia Stott Boole

March the 24th is the birthday of Ada King, Countess of Lovelace. An icon for mathematicians and computer scientists as the first programmer. She developed algorithms that could be run on Babbage‘s analytical… Continue reading

LMS internet communication 2

As promised here is a draft of my article on ideas for the LMS and using the internet for society communication. Please comment! Currently the LMS has two main mean of communication. The… Continue reading

LMS internet communication

I have been asked to write a short proposal on internet communication for the council of the LMS (London Mathematical Society). More specifically, how the internet can be used to get better communication… Continue reading

Laptops are not the problem…

I take on Doron Zeilberger on laptops and talks

Communication at the LMS

The importance of communication the the future of the LMS and mathematics

Mathematical materials

To start with a little housekeeping. I have rather neglected this blog, as the summer science exhibition rather took it out of me.  I am also going to retire the unscheduled post tag.… Continue reading


Why English social fears did not stop me joining twitter and starting to like it.

Unscheduled Post: Niches and responsibility

There has been a recent blog discussion on the topic of attribution.  As a piece of plankton (not even a small fish) in this world I only suffer from the occasional automatic link… Continue reading